I didn't realise it had been so long since I last wrote in this blog. I think adding 'blog more' to my list of new year's resolutions might be at the root of my aversion, one clue being the fact that, now that it's February and all my other good intentions lie by the wayside, I suddenly feel the urge to write again. It could also be attributed to the universally accepted fact that January is boring. The most likely reason I haven't felt like posting here, though, is that I haven't been working for the past two months. It's amazing how indefinite free time can feel like a prison. A terrible prison of boredom and guilt. I can solemnly report I've done nothing of note over the past eight weeks apart from staying home and working on a personal project (growing my hair. It's going pretty well thanks) and celebrating my 27th birthday (see above). I expected having more time to spend in the flat would feel like a boon. In my fantasy it was an endless cycle of ordering things online and watching cat videos while I waited for the postman. Unfortunately when you don't have an income it's more like eating cereal for two of your meals and only wearing horrible clothes so you can 'save' the nice ones and don't have to waste washing powder on superfluous laundry. The cat videos part is pretty much how I imagined.
When I was commuting to and from a rowdy office in central London every day, usually with my face flattened into someone's armpit, it felt like a gift and a joy to return to the flat and spend the evening by myself. Now, without that routine human interaction preceding it, it just feels... lonely. Who knew? Netflix filled the void substantially in the beginning but in my haste to make the most of the month's free trial I seem to have bankrupted it of everything worth watching. The In Treatment box set scratches an itch temporarily but usually leaves me dispirited and dwelling on how I'm probably mental.
Unemployment has been an eye opening experience, and not at all how I expected it to be. Now that I've discovered you can have too much of a good thing, and that Fishs Eddy is coming to London, it's definitely time to rejoin the human race.