Sunday was my one month anniversary in the flat. In some ways I can't believe it's been a whole month - in others ways I feel like I've been here forever. A bit like any love affair I suppose. And I can attest - it's love. Right now I'm sitting on my sofa in a kaftan, scented candle burning, pot of cinnamon tea at my side. My sofa has wide arms which are perfect for balancing every necessity within easy reach. Phone, laptop, various components of the Sunday Times. I realise that several cats would seem like a natural addition but unfortunately I'm allergic. I do now own about six too many cushions though which are filling the void as well as completing the picture of eccentricity. My calendar has been cleared. I intend to spend every night this week this way, surrounded by cushions, newspaper supplements and tea. In years to come we may grow tired of eachother, this sofa and I, but it's difficult to imagine. This may be a death knell for my modest social life.
I continue to primp and spoil the place, and I can't seem to stop picking up little pictures everywhere despite the fact that they usually clash with the ones I already have. I got these Lucienne postcards on sale at Heals and put them in a frame I bought for someone else by accident (long story)
And this lamp, which I actually ordered in March and only received last week, is as tall as an average man (about the closest thing to anything man like that I foresee spending extended periods of time here).
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