Yesterday I finally got the good word from my solicitor that she received whatever bullshit piece of paper she's been waiting on, and I'm on the home stretch. For a while there it looked as though I might have been left homeless for several weeks. I wasn't so worried about myself (it's pretty warm out there at the moment) but what about all my precious things? I own a lot of things and they're all very precious. Now my hyper-enthusiasm has been renewed and my trawling of furniture stores, online and otherwise, has recommenced. Today I had a mosey around this place, which sells beautiful vintage furniture, so much better and cheaper than the kind you'd find in Habitat or Heals. Who is Heals for, by the way? Celebrities? Those are the only people I can think of who'd drop 2k on a rug. Incidentally Arch 389 is very close to this bakery which sells crazy good artisan bread cooked by hot scruffy men.
Now I can relax and look forward to my bank holiday trip to Ikea, even though in the back of my mind I know it's going to be hell on earth, especially if those roll-y shoes for children are still all the rage. Post Ikea update to follow.
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